(2 Corinthians 9:6-8)
This particular passage is hitting me in so many different ways right now, it is amazing!
1. You must sow before you can reap. Keeping the pack of seeds in a box at the top of the closet does you no good.
2. You reap according to what you sow, so if you plant apple seeds, don't expect oranges to grow and if you plant one seed and he plants 100, don't expect the same results!
3. Make a decision for yourself and stick to it. Don't give because you have to, give because you GET to!
4. Don't be a grumbling giver. Every time you give, check your heart and see where it's at. Be HAPPY about giving!
5. There is nothing wrong with expecting a ROI (Return on Investment) from God. If you do your part, He's more than willing to do His part!
6. Similar to the apple seed analogy, the turnaround time isn't instantaneous. You don't expect a flourishing 10 foot tall apple tree the morning after planting the seeds! You have to wait and water and prune your seed into a sapling and eventually into something that bears fruit and gives back.
I've heard/read the passage lots of times before, but as I stumbled over it today, it was like it had been written for me, right there and right then. I hope it does something for you guys too!

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