It's not what I envisioned for myself... It's not even in the latter part of my "Ten-Year-Plan"... Some days I'm annoyed by just thinking about it... Have you guessed yet? Well I'll give you a hint, I'm on my way there as I write this post on my phone... My Job!
I've worked for my organization for a little more than two years now and it's been quite an interesting experience. We're a Catholic CBO working primarily with the Hispanic community of Upper Manhattan helping to bridge the gap between the community residents and resources available to them. Through this job, I've met many interesting and important people (NYC judges, local and state politicians, screenwriters, etc), I've gained skills (such as website management, better communication, and improved organization), and had lots of laughs. But like any job, at moments it's simply WORK.
Today though, I felt the need to take some time out to give thanks for the work that I do. While my own personality causes me to get bored easily no matter what I'm doing, and my mind sometimes wanders, I really do love my job. We have a small staff (as of Monday we grew to a full-time staff of five, plus we have a Jesuit priest that comes by two days a week and also works with us on some of our projects) and that allows us to just let things in the office flow. Having such a small staff also means things like:
-We go out to lunch together instead of having office parties,
-Throughout the work week, we often discuss our opinions on anything from celebrities, to food, to politics, to our personal values
-We help each other with projects since there usually no "team" to work on things
So on this fourth day, I'm grateful for my job!
At the end of the day I was called into the Executive Director's office. He asked how I felt about giving up one of my ongoing projects (I work together with our local Assembly Member to put together housing forums for the community as well as working on housing issues for any of our walk-ins or call-ins) and giving me the responsibility of taking over a program that we offer to young adults teaching evangelization and leadership. The thing about the program is that there is somebody on staff who coordinates this program. If I were to agree to take on this program, it would mean the following:
- The other staff member would no longer work on this program and would only work on the library that we've been trying to open to the public (this is currently her other responsibility)
- I would have to work one Saturday a month (I currently stop by to help out anyway, but it's voluntary and I usually come in the afternoon not the full day)
- I'd have more job responsibilities I could put on my resumè (listen, I'm not leaving now, but I know that I'm not going to be here forever!)
- I would REALLY have to get more organized
- I'd be doing more networking
- On the week that I work Saturday, I'd be able to take a weekday off of work (I'd probably choose the Friday before)
- I'll be held accountable for keeping the program successful (we're currently having problems with attendance which is a big part of the reason for taking the responsibility off my co-worker's hands - she's been working lots on the library and this program is suffering)
I asked if I could sleep on it and my Director was understanding. I'm going to do some serious praying about this.